

About MattsenKumar

Our FAQs includes common questions which we get from our clients, partners and media. We keep updating this list of questions as and when we get them. Contact us if your question is not answered here.

When was MattsenKumar founded?

MattsenKumar was founded by Mike Mattsen and Aarati Kumar in 2010.

Where is MattsenKumar’s headquarters?

MattsenKumar is headquartered at Woodburn, Oregon, USA

Where are MattsenKumar’s offices located?

Apart from headquarters at Oregon, USA, MattsenKumar has offices at Gurugram and Jaipur in India.

How many employees does MattsenKumar has?

Mattsenkumar has more than 1000 employees working across the locations.



This section will answer the most common questions we have received about outsourcing, challenges associated with the same and more.

Why India for outsourcing?

There are multiple reasons behind the rationale for US and European companies to choose India as their high quality-low cost outsourcing destination. These reasons include:

  • India has the largest number of highly educated and motivated talent pool
  • India has more than 100 million English speaking people which is the second largest in the world.

We tried India but the accent issues impacted CSAT so we moved our voice work to The Philippines. Why should we reconsider?

India’s global outsourcing industry had a quick growth spurt in the early to mid-2000s and the industry wasn’t even mature to handle the same. As a result, the quality of the work suffered as the infrastructure and the stakeholders couldn’t keep up with the demand. This forced global organizations to look for better alternatives to India or rather decide on models like “Philippines for voice; India for back office”. However as offshoring destinations like Philippines are reaching their capacity, India is getting another look. But organizations who are looking out for outsourcing partners need to keep an eye out for the top tier Indian organizations, who can even handle voice processes like partners anywhere in the world, if not better.

We tried offshore outsourcing but were not happy with the results and we pulled our work back stateside. Why should we consider it again?

Many companies that were pulled in by the promise of significant cost reductions and improved CSAT etc. and ended up completely disappointed with the results. The amount of “hand holding” (which included extra management and onsite attention) eroded the cost benefits as well.

With MattsenKumar, our methodology (developed over the years of operations) helps us build customized program for each client which incrementally transforms the processes and achieves the desired results. And we always focus on an agile methodology where we approach the program one step at a time (lower costs and then acceptable CSAT etc.); getting that RIGHT; and scaling up from there. That provides us the leverage to scale up our offshore offerings.


MK Offerings

Outsourcing with MK can be a key differentiator for your business. Here are some of the questions and their answers which might provide you clarity for your decision-making.

What makes MattsenKumar different?

Before inception of MattsenKumar, our team was already making a name for itself in the areas of Business Process Outsourcing & Contact Center Improvement by being the largest third-party quality monitoring organization globally. With this pedigree of quality, we understand the real factors that makes every call effective and what behaviours to avoid. Because quality is in our DNA, we approach our call center solutions differently and have built a methodology which ensures deployment of best practices at each step. With MattsenKumar as your partner, top performance of your contact center and optimal customer experience is guaranteed.

Will MK use a dedicated team for my process?

With MattsenKumar, you can be assured of 100% dedicated team and supervision. We believe the right team with the right talent and management is vital for ensuring maximum quality. Our team works as an extension of your team and organization and the right synergies are developed.

How will MK be different in addressing accent challenges and issues?

We have developed proven pre-selection techniques that ensures acceptable verbal, written and listening skills of all of our team members. Our stringent selection methodology makes the selection of one out of every thirty qualified applicants (based on education and suitable work experience). Our team will work with you to define what is acceptable and what isn’t when it comes to accent and other factors associated with it. This helps us in selecting the perfect resources who can be entrusted with the process and exceed your expectations.

What is your minimum FTEs for a new voice process?

We’re different that way too. Many BPO service providers have 50 or even 100 FTE voice minimums because of the substantial investment required and the fact that economies of scale are needed to achieve desired efficiencies. We are very comfortable starting with a “toe in the water” approach – we’ve started many of our clients with ten or twenty FTEs and they have scaled up to become some of our biggest clients now; because we deliver.

How do you control your attrition when other BPO companies in India are experiencing 90-140% attrition?

Attrition is a continuing challenge for every BPO globally, but we are gratified at having been able to maintain substantially below industry average levels of attrition. We believe there are a variety of factors that contributes to our success in this area:

1. We treat all team members with respect—there is a clear understanding of expectations and requirements and a support network that does our level best to help everyone achieve;

2. We continually solicit feedback and address any issues as soon as we hear about them. We have an employee survey process (“e-pulse”) that captures vital feedback every month and all findings are reviewed by the management team which ensures proper attention on any potentially emerging gaps.

3. Finally, we try to offer competitive wages and benefits, and include in that a culture of strong variable rewards and positive recognition. We celebrate victories—team and individual, and don’t avoid addressing those times we fail (always a learning to be had). Our “work hard and play hard” culture seems to help keep our team here, motivated, and happy.

How do I know my data is secure? I have been reading recent articles about data theft. How buttoned down are you?

We are very proud that we have been PCI CERTIFIED since day one of our operations. This means we go through an annual certification audit that ensures we meet and exceed all credit industry requirements from a technology, facility and people infrastructure standpoint. Many firms will say they are “PCI compliant”; but if it’s not audited by an authorized third party to reach certification, can you trust the same? Additionally, we have a work culture that upholds honesty and integrity and not looking away if there happens to be any unusual happenings. Our team cares.

We are the trusted partner for Business Process Outsourcing for leading global organizations.